Vintage Smut Sunday: long-haired lovers (gay erotica, NSFW)

Those who know me well are probably aware that I’m not a huge fan of long hair on men. Don’t know why, exactly, but that’s just the way it is. I prefer a shiny bald crown than flowing locks for some reason.

However, I realise I might be in a minority here and so I’ve saved a few pics of long-haired blokes. Actually, it’s a challenge to find them as gay porn models seem to favour shorn locks, so when I do see one I tend to nab them for the novelty value. Here are three of my fave finds. Enjoy!

#1: Seriously unfortunate hairstyle, hairband and t-shirt combo here, but apart from that I rather like the picture as a whole… (and check out that awful duvet cover!)

Long-haired gay blowjob

#2: I couldn’t say for sure if this one is actually vintage but it came from a vintage pics Tumblr so I’ll just have to accept it as that. Nice looking chap, but it’s obviously cold out in the woods!

long-haired male nude

#3: This one never fails to amuse me. The expression on standing bloke’s face! The awful hippie furnishings! The tan line! And okay, I know his hair isn’t all that long but he certainly has an awful lot of it 🙂

hippie gay blowjob

Which is your favourite pic, and why?

Next week: I’ve found some more Victorian erotic pics. Not of our beloved Ambrose and Laurence, but they’re still great!

18 thoughts on “Vintage Smut Sunday: long-haired lovers (gay erotica, NSFW)

  1. The one in the middle looks a bit 90s to me, but I’ve been assured by several young twerps that the 90s are now retro (sometimes old school), so perhaps it would count anyway?

    I’m not much of a one for long hair either, although for some reason men with their hair tied up in a bun (or even bunches) does…*things* to me. IDEK.


    1. Yeah, I know what you mean. It speaks of that 90s surfer culture to me. And 90s is definitely retro (borderline vintage), so perhaps that’s okay…

      Bunches and plaits, yes! I’m all for men with hairstyles 😛


      1. Yeah long hair 4EVA lol
        You showcased some horrors on here tho, i must say >.< My hairdresser hands itched to sort those boys' barnets out.
        Great pics tho. That last one is just so cute


      2. Long hair was always pretty horrific in the 70s. In fact, all lengths of hair were bad then. God knows what was going on in people’s heads!


  2. Well what a selection! I have to say piccy one is getting my attention.. Its that bloody awful t-shirt and Hiawatha head band that keeps taking my eye.. Well after the obvious other stuff going on in the vicinity!! Lol.
    Poor old shrinking Violet in picture 2 looks like he needs a good old rub to warm him up * wink wink * and the tan line in picture 3 is eyepoppingly awesome… He’s definitely enjoying himself though bless him and so is his mate! Haha!
    Nice ones Jo! 😉


    1. They really are having a great time in that last one, aren’t they? It’s definitely one of my all time favourite 70s porn finds 😀


  3. Artistically, I like the middle guy. Yeah, he’s suffering from the chill, but he’s still got a gorgeous bod.
    But the final pic, with the hideously hideous furnishings, is hilarious.
    The alcove/curtained doorway/whatever-it-is, is obviously useful to brace oneself against. And he looks so happy to do it! What a cheerful soul.
    No, his hair isn’t very long, but it does make up for it in breadth. “As broad as it’s long” as my mum used to say. 🙂


    1. Once again, Sue, we’re in perfect agreement! I think it might be a curtained doorway, which adds an element of danger to his pose 😉


    1. Yeah, they obviously made ’em out of thicker fabric back in those days!

      Who’s offering to go and help #2 warm himself up, then? 😉


  4. OH Man that last pic has me LOL’ing for real. The first one tho, hair and headband aside I find very erotic. And yeah, the second one, very nice bod, even if he is obviously very chilled 😀


    1. #1 just might be one of the funniest porn pics I’ve seen… although I’ve got some champions coming up at some point soon 😛


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